Getting a pedicure! It's a spa day for the sheep!

All newly shorn (expect UFO to the left)

My mother, brother and daughter Stella all wearing something hand knit!


Shearing day went well, thankfully not as hot as last year! Our woolly beasts are now tucked in the barn until they grow a bit of it back or until the sun warms us up for good! The wool is beautiful, I have been itching to get skirting it so I can really look through it. Willa's fleece got many ooo's and aaa's from everyone watching, it is pitch black on the inside and chocolate brown on the outside. The 2 new cormo fleeces also look delicious. Although one of the Cormos we found out is not actually female.... we all had a good laugh, but now i have the unpleasant business of correspondence with the woman who sold them as good "breeding" stock. Oh well, it made our shearer's day to see something out of the ordinary.
I will post more pictures of the fleeces soon! Thank you Sara G and Sara W from the CSA who helped us that day, and to the Schneider family, we could not have run this day as smoothly without them!
Since I don't live in a rural area, I appreciate seeing these - gives me a better idea of what happens on shearing day :)